I am currently a postdoctoral fellow in the Falkner Lab at the Princeton Neuroscience Institute. Previously, I did my PhD thesis in the Polley Lab at Harvard University. The overarching goal of my thesis research was to investigate how the neural coding across sensory and limbic hierarchies give rise to the transformation from sensation to perception. To achieve this, I used simultaneous multi-regional single-unit recordings, optogenetics and in-vivo imaging during head-fixed behavior in awake mice as well as several computational approaches for data analysis. For my postdoctoral work, I'm investigating how hormones modulate neural activity in the brain and drive flexible state-dependent social behaviors in mice, and I hope to synthesize the rigor and reductionism in sensory neuroscience with the richness and complexity in naturalistic social behaviors!

Before moving to Boston for graduate school, I did my undergraduate studies at Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Madras in India where I majored in Electrical Engineering and minored in Biomedical Engineering. While I mostly study brains, I used to ocassionaly fly planes, and my love for nature and adventure never wanes :) So outside the lab, you can find me hiking, skiing (I grew up in Chennai, India where we only have three seasons - hot, hotter and hottest, so I naturally fell in love with Boston winters!!), rock climbing and doing other things outdoors!